Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday, August 24th (day 56/365)

Here is a picture of Phoebe eating (whole wheat, low sugar) pancakes this morning.

From reading the blog it must seem like we feed the baby nothing but pancakes.  They are really only the occasional treat - and these ones really are whole wheat.  We'll give them to her occasionally after she's eaten at least a few spoonfuls of fruit and yogurt (a more typical breakfast).  We're not actually sure Phoebe likes the taste of pancake because she doesn't end up eating very much of it.  We think she mostly likes the process of tearing each pancake into tiny bits and then slobbering them into oblivion.  It is messy, but she enjoys it, so we invested in a giant pack of sponges from Costco.

The other thing this picture shows is how Phoebe sits in her high chair.  She almost always immediately swings one leg up and sits side-ways. 

Before my mom came to visit, she shipped a giant box of clothes and toys.  One of the toys was a set of trucks.  At first Phoebe was like "meh, trucks, not sure I'm interested" and didn't pay much attention.  Then she found out that the boys next door have the same trucks and all of a sudden she thought trucks were the BEST THING EVER!!! 

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