Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Thursday, July 28 (day 29/365)

The exersaucer used to be baby magic - we could plunk Phoebe down in it and she would happily self-entertain for half an hour (um, not that I would leave my baby in the exersaucer for half an hour or anything, I am just ... guessing about that ...).  Sadly, the exersaucer has lost its allure for the baby.  Now she will tolerate it for five minutes max, and she lets you know that she is not happy about it.  We may have to break down and get a jumperoo after all because it is really handy to have a place to put the baby that both entertains and contains her.

Woe is the baby stuck in the exersaucer

1 comment:

  1. The best money I ever spent was on the FP Jumperoo.

