Monday, October 3, 2011

Wednesday, September 28 (day 91/365)

Guess who has (finally) learned high-five???  (hint: the baby can do it too)

Jeremy has been waiting for Phoebe to be able to do baby tricks pretty much since we found out I was pregnant.  For him, this is the first major parenting pay-off (followed closely by being able to embarrass your child in public and never having to do the dishes again ... although my dad claims that last one is a big fat lie because he had TWO kids and he still has to do the dishes).  We've been periodically showing Phoebe high-five and then looking like complete idiots while we repeatedly high-five each other and she just laughs in our general direction.  Then, we realized that another kid in her class is a huge fan of the high-five, so we started doing it with him when we'd drop Phoebe off at school. Finally this week she seemed to catch on.  Of course, she'll only do it two or three times in a row - after that she just looks at us with the baby equivalent of an eye roll.  She also tends to prefer high-five with Jeremy, I often get left hanging. 

Anyway, Jeremy is very excited about this latest development.  He has a whole list of tricks that he wants to teach Phoebe.  Next up is "touchdown!" then stay tuned for a video of the baby doing "wax-on, wax-off" (from the Karate Kid). 

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