Saturday, October 29, 2011

Monday, October 17 (day 110/365)

This month Phoebe went through a phase of horrible sleep.  And when I say that, I mean horrible even for her.  She would take forever to fall asleep, would wake up multiple times throughout the night and then she'd want to get up for good at ridiculous o'clock in the morning.  If I was a glass-half-full kind of gal, I'd say that I got to spend a lot of quality time with my baby before I left for work in the morning.  Frankly, it is very hard to maintain a glass-half-full perspective when you are exhausted.  To make matters worse, since Phoebe wasn't getting enough sleep, she was grumpy most of the time too.  It was a rough few weeks around here!  This particular morning, I was actually trying to get a video of Phoebe throwing a fit (one of many) in an attempt to garner some web-sympathy.  However, as soon as she saw the camera, Phoebe perked up and pulled herself together.  On a whim, I took one of those arm-length self-portraits of the two of us (where you hold the camera out and take a picture) and the munchkin went nuts - she thought it was the funniest thing ever!  Needless to say, we took a lot of self-portraits this morning.  Phoebe is absolutely adorable in all of them.  I just look ... exhausted.

I see you are trying to capture a video of me screaming and throwing my bottle around the living room.  I can't have footage like that getting out there.  What will the fans think?  Allow me to turn on the baby charm.

Look at how adorable I am!  Do I look like a baby who would throw a fit??  Who are you going to believe?  A cute bundle of adorableness or that lady?  Yeah, I thought so.

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