Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tuesday, August 30th, (day 62/365)

You While my mom was here we took Phoebe to the aquarium.  Phoebe had a great time, and grandma had to be restrained before she bought the baby one of everything from the gift shop :)  Phoebe did end up with some adorable otter jammies and an aquarium themed ball.  The ball has been a huge hit.  Jeremy just mentioned that he thinks instead of a stuffed animal as a lovey, Phoebe has adopted this stuffed ball.  No matter what she is upset about, the ball will automatically calm her down and she takes it with her everywhere.  Here is a picture showcasing both the otter jammies and the ball:

In addition to all of her other skills, Phoebe has been working on figuring out doors.  She can close them but since she is too short to reach the doorknob, opening still poses an issue.

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you know that our cinematic skills leave a little something to be desired.  Usually, we'll notice the baby doing something cute, but by the time we get the camera and start recording, she's moved on.  We also do zero editing, so what we shoot is what gets posted.  These days Phoebe is really into splashing in the bath, so we thought we'd try to capture it.  What resulted was just a sad video of us trying to get the baby to splash and her laughing at our efforts:

I assure you she was splashing up a storm until we started recording, and she started splashing again as soon as we stopped.

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