Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday, September 25 (day 88/365)

Today was a great family day.  It started out with a great night!  I'm almost afraid to say this out loud, but Phoebe slept straight through from bedtime until 5:30AM.  I know I've now jinxed us and for the next three weeks we'll be up 10 times a night, but still - we had a great night last night!!!  Of course, we could talk about how sad it is that the baby woke us up at 5:30 AM and that now qualifies as a good night.  Yikes.  Anyway, while Jeremy got a little more sleep, Phoebe and I got up and Skyped with Grandma and Grandpa.  When Jeremy got up, we all went out for pancakes!   There were a lot of big kids at the local breakfast joint, so Phoebe had a great time.  After pancakes we did our grocery shopping.  On the way home Phoebe fell asleep in the car and ended up taking a 2+hour nap. 

After nap time we went to Phoebe's friend Noah's first birthday party.  Phoebe now gets way more invitations to social events then Jeremy or I do.  It is a good thing that she's too young to drive so we get to tag along.  The party was great!  One of Noah's other friends has a dad who is a chef, so there was some really yummy food.  We also got to meet a lot of really nice people.  While the whole party was a lot of fun, the highlight has to be the water table.  The babies had a really great time splashing around, stealing toys from each other, and trying to drink the entire contents of the table.

Baby friends!

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