Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday, September 19 (day 82/365)

Today, Jeremy took Phoebe to baby class while I went to work.  He was skeptical about going, but ended up having a really good time.  At both daycare and baby school they have a lot of big padded things for babies to crawl over/on/around and Phoebe loves to climb and fling herself all over the place.  At home she tries to create the same fun using the floor pillow, her big stuffed animal and the couch cushions.  One of her favorite games involves Jeremy sitting her in front of a big pile of pillows, pushing her over and yelling "KABOOM!".

I am just going to throw myself headfirst into this pile of pillows - what's the worst that could happen?

Did I bump my head?  I don't even notice anymore.


It is pretty fun to throw myself around and bounce off the furniture!  It is even more fun to watch mom try not to freak out while I do it!

And look who is standing!!!!!

Phoebe also loves water.  Swimming, bath time, it doesn't matter, she could splash and play all day.


Haha, the baby is such a sucker.  Let's see those people try to give ME a bath.

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