Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tuesday, July 19th (day 20/365)

Phoebe is very insistent on being able to feed herself.  At first she was satisfied if we gave her a spoon to play with while we fed her, but lately she's become a bit more demanding.  She definitely keeps us on our toes!

Phoebe is getting to be a pro at the sippy cup.  She gets very excited as soon as she sees "sippy" getting put together.  For that reason, we have to try to get it ready out of her sight, otherwise she'll start throwing a fit until the cup is in her grubby little hands.  To teach her how to use the sippy cup Jeremy developed a song/dance combo titled "You must tip to sip".  It is pretty awesome.

We're working on the pincher grip.  Phoebe really prefers the "grab a fist of food and shove it all in my mouth at one time" grip. 

Have to make sure we eat enough to keep up our strength!  Phoebe is a very busy baby!
We constantly trying new foods with the little munchkin.  She has been rejecting pureed baby food a lot lately, but with no teeth the foods she can feed herself are pretty limited :)


  1. Credit where credit is due: Kate came up with "tip to sip".

  2. Nathan quickly rejected pureed baby foods too. Things I found that worked: Veggies cut into sticks and steamed or roasted (esp. carrots and sweet potatoes), scrambled eggs, tofu, broccoli (the stem parts are handy for holding), peas, green beans, canned beans, fresh fruits (canned are too slippery), cheese, chicken steamed into near oblivion. I also tried to remember that "food before one is just for fun" and that he was still getting most of his nutrition from milk. Good luck!
