Monday, April 11, 2011

Weekend Report

We had a pretty good weekend with the fussbudget.  Saturday she was pretty cranky, but we did make her run a bunch of errands so that might have something to do with her attitude.  In the morning we went to Trader Joes to do our grocery shopping for the week.  It is never a good idea for two sleep deprived people to go to Trader Joes with a cranky baby with the intention of just "seeing what looks good".  We should have had more of a plan for what to buy.  Instead we ended up with a ham.  It is delicious ham, but it is a lot for two people to eat.  We're going to have to start getting creative with working ham into our dinner plans, especially since most of the tasty things I can think of with ham in them also contain large amounts of the forbidden dairy.  Sigh.  I am looking forward to making bean soup with the bone though - YUM!  Danger, of course, has been offering to help take some of that excess ham off our hands.  He goes NUTS at dinner time.

While Danger is a huge fan of the ham we brought home, he is less of a fan of the baby we keep bringing home.  I am not sure, but I think he might be starting to get a little jealous.  Although, he seems more jealous that she hogs the bouncy seat than that she hogs our attention:

Here he seems to be saying "who put that thing in my chair again?!"

In this picture the depressed kitty tries to get some attention but there is no love (and no bouncy seat) for the poor kitty.  Actually, despite Danger's assertions to the contrary, he is getting plenty of attention and lots of kitty treats (not to mention daily ham).  It is just really hard to please the kitty:

Anyway, Saturday afternoon we went to Babies R Us to look at car seats.  Right now we only have one car seat, so daycare drop off (done by Jeremy - I do the pick up) requires a car swap.  Since our current car seat is a loaner from friends who are having another baby in September (yay! baby!) we know we will have to invest in a new car seat by then.  We figured we'd go ahead and buy the car seat now and keep it in Jeremy's car to make the daycare drop off easier.  Since Phoebe is growing like a weed, we're going to go ahead and buy a convertible car seat rather than another infant one.  There are a lot of options.  Car seats are tricky.  There's the super-expensive ones that have been extensively crash tested, but you wonder are they really *that* much safer than the ones that cost $300 less?  Then you immediately feel horrible for being willing to potentially compromise your baby's safety to save $300.  After spending a long time at Babies R Us and reading a bunch of online reviews, I think we finally settled on a make/model of car seat.  It turns out that several other brands are just as safe (and much less expensive) as the fancy pants expensive brand.  Plus, if we wait until next weekend to actually buy the car seat we can use a coupon.  Double win.  Although, since we aren't going with the fancy brand, I have to give up on being able to order the seat in a print called "Cowmooflage".  You can talk yourself into an extra couple hundred bucks for safety, but not for cow-print fabric. 

After Phoebe's cranky day on Saturday we were reconsidering our "no selling the baby to the gypsies" policy.  True to form, Phoebe seems to be able to sense when she really needs to turn on the charm and Sunday was wonderful!  She woke up a little early so she and I came downstairs to let Jeremy sleep.  Phoebe was all smiles and giggles and then she decided to take a nap so we snuggled up on the couch and we both ended up getting another hour and a half of sleep!  Yay for long naps!  It was the first nap longer than 20 minutes that the fussers had taken in a long time.  It did wonders for both of our attitudes :)

After her big nap, Phoebe was super smiley and sweet for the rest of the morning.  She played, cooed, and was an all around amazing baby.  Deciding to press our luck, we took her out for lunch.  She ended up quietly napping through the whole meal!  After lunch we wandered around the farmers market for a bit.  After perusing the big displays of fresh organic veggies, we heard that the bakery was having a special - all pastries were 2 for $5 and cookies were 3 for $5 so ... we left the farmers market with nothing but a big sack of pastry and a side order of guilt.

On the way home from the farmers market we stopped by the beach for baby's first trip to the ocean!  (It is still kind of weird to think that we can just "stop by the ocean" on our way home).  At first Phoebe was not a fan:

But then we realized that she just didn't like the wind, so Jeremy zipped her inside his jacket and then she was fine.

I joked with Jeremy that when Phoebe looks at the pictures of her first three months, she is going to wonder why she didn't have a mom :)  Since I always have the camera, there are almost no pictures of the two of us.  Hopefully next weekend we'll get a few.  I also want to play around with the camera a little to see if I can get some really nice pictures of Phoebe.  We were going to take her somewhere to get fancy pictures taken, but given that we can never predict when she is going to be super-cranky it seemed best not to inflict her on the fine folks at the Sears portrait studio.  [Yes, I did just refer to the Sears portrait studio as "fancy"]

In other Phoebe news, the eye goop is back.  We ended up taking her to the pediatrician last Thursday because she woke up with her eye fused shut with goobers (I am sure that is the actual medical term).  The doctor said it is the same tear duct issue as before, so we're back to trying to put ointment in the baby's eyes twice a day.  I say trying because we're never sure how much actually ends up in her eye and how much gets smeared everywhere BUT her eye.  We try.  Phoebe is getting very good at avoiding eye ointment and getting her nose suctioned out.  She has learned that if I start coming at her with the nose syringe, she can just wildly flop her head back and forth.  We're still suctioning boogers because the poor little thing is still congested.  I brought up that she'd been congested for two weeks and the doctor just shrugged and was like "yeah, that's daycare for you".  Anyway, the most important thing we learned at the doctor is that our little munchkin is up to 13 pounds and 1 ounce!  She is getting so big!  Or, as Jeremy pointed out, she has gone from a "little bowling ball" to "one of the really heavy bowling balls".  He really has a way with words - so poetic :)


  1. FWIW, we love our Britax. We sprung for the least-expensive model, and only one of them. Adam has the cheaper but just as safe Graco in his car. Both of us MUCH prefer using the Britax--it just works. The straps don't tangle or get stuck, it's easy to adjust, and just more user-friendly. I'd say it's worth getting one of them (maybe for when Fusser outgrows the infant seat) even just for the convenience factor.

  2. We were looking at the Evenflow Symphony. Do you have any sense of how that one compares to the Britax?

    Does your Britax have adjustable straps, or do you have to rethread them?

  3. Dear Danger,

    I know just how you feel. Maybe if we could put our heads together, we could figure out a way to stop this baby nonsense.

