Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Today when I picked Phoebe up from her half-day at daycare they said "Phoebe sure has a lot of personality".  Yeah, personality, that's it.  Actually, I thought it was a good sign that they had found a good way to spin her cranky pants behavior.  Apparently she was on a bit of a nap strike today and when the baby doesn't nap, NOBODY is happy

After I pick Phoebe up on Wednesdays, we go to our age group class at Parents Place.  The nap strike continued until the very end when Phoebe slept for maybe 10 minutes.  Definitely not long enough to count as an actual nap.

The topic in class today was baby proofing - yikes!  There is so much we need to do in the next couple of months!

Anyway, after we got home, Phoebe continued to promote her no-nap platform right up until bedtime.

Thankfully she is now (finally) asleep.

PS. In case you were wondering why I coldly snapped photos while my baby was crying, let me assure you that Jeremy was doing his best to comfort her in all of these pictures.


  1. Yikes! Not a good day in Phoebeville. Hope she and her parents slept well last night. Great pictures of her "personality"! Love you Phoebe and hope you have a better day on Thursday.

  2. Phoebe,tell Mom and Dad it is time to post new pictures. Make sure they depict your usual sunshiny disposition that we all know and love. Who is that crabby baby? What did they do to make you so mad? I think you're trying to say that it is time to visit all your Grandparents again!
