Happy Easter from our little bunny! Thank you Grandma Joyce for the awesome bunny pants and hat - they were a huge hit with the daycare folks and our California friends.
We had a great Easter here. Phoebe was so excited, she woke up at 5:00! Yay! We really can't complain too much though because she slept for nine hours straight last night! She hasn't done that in a really long time, so we were pretty excited. Jeremy says he isn't going to get too excited until she sleeps that long three nights in a row. I guess I have to agree with that strategy since last time we were all ready to declare sleep victory after two nights and then the little munchkin went right back to sleeping no more than four hours at a stretch.
Phoebe and I spent the morning playing and taking a nap and when daddy got up and joined us, we went to the neighborhood Easter Party. There was a little BBQ and the police were there doing child ID kits, but the real draw was the egg hunt! Phoebe was a little too young to participate, but she really enjoyed watching all the big kids race around and get eggs. It was actually pretty funny, there was a huge build up while the kids counted down to the egg hunt and jockeyed for position. Then, when the hunt started they all raced out into the park and the eggs were all scooped up within about 60 seconds. Watching must have worn Phoebe out because she fell asleep on the walk home.
The afternoon was a little rough for Phoebe, we think she is simultaneously going through a growth spurt and attempting some milestones, so she gets grumpy/frustrated easily. Between fits though we got a lot done. We did some chores around the house, made some banana bread, and even sat out on the patio for a little bit. Even with the fussing we had a nice family day. We are really enjoying having a calmer baby that we can actually take out in public occasionally. We're going to be extra bold and attempt a trip to Santa Cruz next weekend!
Phoebe, next year you can join the egg hunt with your friends! Sounds like you had a very busy weekend.