Friday, October 15, 2010

Two Big Milestones Today!

Today marks two big milestones.  First, today is officially marks 30 weeks of pregnancy for the Gottwoods - 10 more weeks to go!  It seems like baby Bagel will be here before we know it!

Also, today is my dad's 63rd birthday.  Happy birthday Dad!!  I would call, but usually the first person to call is the one that has to explain to Dad that it's his birthday.  Then you can play the game where you try to make him remember how old he is :)  Usually you end up telling him that it is his birthday and how old he is and then he says "Well, whaddya know."  What can I say?  It's family tradition. 

Not to ruin the surprise, but this year everyone is getting a baby for their birthday (well, actually just one baby, you all have to share).  Sorry the present will be a little late Dad, but hopefully it will be worth it! 

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