Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Doctor Update

We had a doctor's appointment on Monday.  Probably the most notable news is that they were ON TIME.  That might be the first time during the entire pregnancy that we actually saw the doctor at our scheduled time.  Even the doctor was making jokes about it.  

Other than that, everything is going well.  I continue to gain weight like a champ (what can I say - I like to overachieve) and baby's heartbeat is super strong. 

Baby Bagel is pretty territorial and responds fairly strongly when she feels like someone is invading her space.  When Jeremy pokes her, she pokes back (I tried to tell him it was the baby high-fiving him, but I don't know if he's buying it).  At the doctor's when they use the doppler on to listen to the heart beat, Bagel starts trying to kick the machine.  It is pretty funny.  The good news is that every time she tried to kick the doppler, Bagel's heart beat sped up which is exactly what it is supposed to do. 

Probably the funniest Bagel response is to Rocky.  Rocky loves to jump up on my lap and wrap himself around my stomach (I guess it makes a nice soft kitty pillow).  Once he settles in and starts purring, Bagel starts kicking him.  The first time it happened Rocky jumped up and ran away, but now I think he kind of likes it - I like to think of it as kitty-massage.  Hopefully Rocky and Bagel will continue to get along after she is born.  I think as long as we can eventually teach her the proper belly-rub technique they should be fine.

Starting now, we're on an every-other week schedule for doctor's visits.  Kind of crazy!  Luckily, we're still able to schedule them when both of us are able to go.  We were in a little bit of trouble with the OB because this is the third visit in a row where she asked about a pediatrician and we still hadn't started to look.  That's next week's project - visiting pediatricians.  There are really only two big practices on the peninsula, so we figure we'll check out both of them and then pick the one that we like best. 

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