Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday November 4 (day 127/365)

For the past month, Phoebe has been really into peek-a-boo.  She'll even request it by either handing one of us a blanket or coming up and turning Jeremy or I around so she can hide behind us.  However in the last week or so, Phoebe has started taking advantage of the hiding part of peek-a-boo to get into trouble.  Here, she takes advantage of Jeremy being under the blanket to make off with his water bottle.  While I am taking this picture, Jeremy is saying "Where's Daddy?".  I am pretty sure if she could talk Phoebe would be saying something along the lines of "Geee, I don't know ... that's a tough one"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hmmmm.............. Let's pit Phoebe at 10.5 months against two thirty plus year olds with PhDs. Just doesn't seem fair does it? Phoebe, it seems as though you have the advantage so be gracious and give the old people a break.
