Monday, August 13, 2012

Sunday, August 12

This week there is a big classic car race and auction in town and it is pretty much the second best week of Phoebe's life (right after the week when all the motorcycles were in town).  Downtown is full of cool old cars and huge trucks.  Sometimes, if we are really lucky, a truck will be open and we'll get a glimpse of a car inside a truck.  Phoebe finds that to be hilarious she'll slap her forehead and yell "OH MY!" then for the next five minutes she will go on and on about the "vroom in the tuck" (vroom is Phoebe's word for any fast car, or any car that is red).

This Sunday, they let all the guys who will be racing next weekend take some practice laps around the track.  The cheap seats were free, so we took Phoebe to check out the vrooms.  We were able to get really close and Phoebe loved the pace laps.  Then the race laps started and Jeremy and I realized that neither one of us had stopped to think about the fact that we could hear the cars from our house ten miles away ... which meant it was actually pretty deafening standing right next to the track.  Our ears hurt after a few laps, so I can't imagine how the poor Phoebers felt!  Next year we will have to find some baby ear plugs so we can take her back - the Doodles loves her race cars!

[Although she does not love race cars as much as motorcycles.  On the drive to the track we kept saying "we're going to go see the vrooms" and Phoebe would reply hopefully "and momos??".]

As another aside, Phoebe also dressed herself today.  I tried to put her in another pair of pants but she squirmed and threw a fit.  Finally I asked "Phoebe, would you like different pants?".  She replied "more fuzz".  We went upstairs, opened her pants drawer and she triumphantly pulled out her fleece pants yelling "fuzzy pants!".

Fuzzy pants and vrooms - it doesn't get much better than that (unless there are motorcycles)

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