Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve

In our family, my grandma is the regular church goer.  She doesn't just go to church, she is very involved - my mom jokes that Gram has to pray doubly hard to cover for the rest of us heathens.  In addition to taking care of all of our spiritual needs, Gram volunteers with charities through the church, and is so well known for bringing food to folks who need comfort that chocolate bundt cake is known as "Maxine's funeral cake" throughout the congregation.  I've always admired my Grandma's dedication to volunteer work though her church.  Growing up I also enjoyed going to services when we'd go visit - one of my favorite times to go is Christmas Eve for the candle light service.

This Christmas Eve, Gram is in the hospital and not doing great, so she wasn't able to go to services.  Since we're out in California and can't go visit Gram, Jeremy and I went to Christmas Eve services out here in her honor.  We certainly hope she is feeling better soon, because our souls are surely better off in her hands than ours! 

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