Friday, March 26, 2010

Project 365 - 1/365

Inspired by several friends of mine who have already started, I'm going to attempt this "Project 365" thing. The idea is to take a picture a day for an entire year. Yesterday was my 35th birthday, so I decided to start today and document my 36th year. I figured I should start and end with a self-portrait (though I promise there won't be 365 pictures of me). In the end, I went for the easier option and had Kate take my picture. We'll see where the rest of the year takes us.

I'm not a photographer, and know nothing formal about it, so it'll also be interesting to see what I learn about it along the way. Fortunately, the scenery around here, the time I have, and the changes we'll have in the coming year should yield a rich series of possibilities.

1/365 - This is at my favorite lunch spot. We haven't found a ton of good lunch spots around here, but this one is pretty good. I felt like I should have a picture of me to start the project, since many of you haven't seen me for a while. Technically, Kate took this one, but we both thought it was pretty good.

As a bonus, notice the bottle of root beer I had with lunch. Kickin' it old school. People's Court style.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Jeremy! And yes, it is 7:00 pm here and I am still awake! I love your plan to post a picture every day for the coming year. I check the Gottwood Blog everyday and have really missed hearing all your news and seeing pictures of your new lives. Can you only post one picture a day? Here I go into mother-in-law mode.........Please give us some updated pictures of the grandkittens. You posted pictures of the front of your new home but not the back yard. What about your new grill? Do you have any pictures from the robotics team and competition? Sorry, just interested in seeing and hearing about everything!

    I hope everyday of your 36th year is full of all things good and wonderful!
